Reflections on Tech. Life
A great resource for expert tips in Java Programming:
Core Java Technologies Tech Tips
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Science tries to educate us on our origins. Science can be contradictory. Here is a site that contradicts human evolutionary thinking.
Michael Cremo and Forbidden Archeology Web Page
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I always wanted to know what Laser stood for:
CBC News: Physicists devise simpler laser: "Laser is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, which describes how it works."
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Here is an interesting find with links of interest to Computer Scientist.
Fotis Fotopoulos Personal Home Page Some students of Fotis were indeed privileged! I wonder what his class grads are up to.
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Here is an interesting find of a speech by Carly Fiorina of HP (One of my favourite companies)
Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis: Policymaking in an Internet Age: "Broadband is undeniably one thread of continuity that will be woven through education as the access to learning … in the reinvention of business, as the enabler of new commerce … on the global stage as the platform over which information flows, and knowledge can be shared … It is by no means the only technology force for solving these issues … but it is an essential one. "
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Here is an interesting article:
CBC News: Black hole produces 'lowest note known in universe'
Technology is key to our understanding of the universe. Science applied in the pursuit of truth, is an enduring interest for me.
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