Reflections on Tech. Life
Every now and then Technology will dissapoint us.
Case in point. I notice an O2Micro Secure Digital card slot on the right side of my hp/compaq nw8000. I think, "Perfect, I can make use of that for handy personal file storage and backup.". Afterall redundancy is the best fail safe.
After finding a 150x (high speed) 2GB Secure Digital card and paying too much for it at local prices.
I put the thing in the slot and give it a whirl.
I make the mistake of thinking, "Maybe I need to format this card so that it will work with my OS".
I try FAT, FAT32 and NTFS.
Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
I try to copy a few files over and it speeds up and it slows down as the files are beling copied. Then 3 times in a row it stops while copying a particularly large file. I need to copy over 20,000 files over to the device. It stops at the 13000 file count mark.
This is pretty frustrating.
I also see from doing a few searches that. Support for this type of thing is still pretty embryonic.
I hate bleeding edge! This technology is supposed to be mature at 2 or 3 years of age.
You should just be able to plug it in and go. Back up files at high speed and be happy in the knowledge that the files are there. But no, everytime I reboot with the card in the slot, the OS tells me I have a faulty drive with bad sectors.
I can only conclude that the seamless integration I was hoping for has not been coded into the O2Micro drivers provided by HP.
I've got to research this some more.