Reflections on Tech. Life
This link:
Forums - What are some of the UIManager keys for changing the java look and feel? is also related to Java Swing Look and Feel issues. I'm sure it will be a useful resource in the future. In case this link goes dead though, I'll lift the code example supplied. Full credit for it goes to Alex Burton of
public static void outputUIDefaults() {
// testing only
// Get the currently installed look and feel
UIDefaults uidefs = UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults();
// Retrieve the keys. Can't use an iterator since the map
// may be modified during the iteration. So retrieve all at once.
String[] keys = (String[] uidefs.keySet().toArray(new String[0];
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
Object v = uidefs.get(keys);
System.out.println(keys + " " + v.getClass() + ":" + v.toString());
if (v instanceof Integer) {
int intVal = uidefs.getInt(keys);
else if (v instanceof Boolean) {
boolean boolVal = uidefs.getBoolean(keys);
else if (v instanceof String) {
String strVal = uidefs.getString(keys);
else if (v instanceof Dimension) {
Dimension dimVal = uidefs.getDimension(keys);
else if (v instanceof Insets) {
Insets insetsVal = uidefs.getInsets(keys);
else if (v instanceof Color) {
Color colorVal = uidefs.getColor(keys);
else if (v instanceof Font) {
Font fontVal = uidefs.getFont(keys);
else if (v instanceof Border) {
Border borderVal = uidefs.getBorder(keys);
else if (v instanceof Icon) {
Icon iconVal = uidefs.getIcon(keys);
else if (v instanceof javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.KeyBinding[] {
javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.KeyBinding[] keyBindsVal = (
javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.KeyBinding[] uidefs.get(keys);
else if (v instanceof InputMap) {
InputMap imapVal = (InputMap) uidefs.get(keys);
else {
// Unknown type